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Dear ladies we see today that there are many HOUSES but not many HOMES!

Home!   The very place of satisfaction and rest which our hearts find when we enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ!  It is truly the sense of ease and rest that we feel when we are in the same room with a known and valued ‘friend’.  Home with Christ is a wonderful place!  Our hearts learn in the home, and our hands go out from our home to act for the heart, the more we are in our’ proper’ home the larger our hearts will be and the very works of our hands will be more successful in what they find to do!  Home is the one place in this world where our hearts are sure of each other!  His heart is our home!



Media Centre

You can watch / listen to Julie Edensor's sermon by clicking on the below title. 

Psalm 102 - Recognise Him as Messiah

by Julie Edensor



Today about 200 million people do not have the Biblical Teaching/Scripture in their own language.
More than 2,200 language communities still do not have true access to even one verse of Scripture.

 Our Missions

Mercy Home

mercy home mission Poverty and unemployment are the greatest problems in India. Their per capita income of the average person in India is very small and many people live. . . Find Out More >

Pappy Daniel

Pappy D Pappy Daniel, came to know the Lord as his personal savior at the age of 17. At graduation from school, he attended a Teachers’ Training Program and became a Public School Teacher in India. Pappy went on to teach in the system for years, and then the Lord called him to full time Christian ministry. Find Out More >

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