Pappy Daniel


Pappy Daniel, came to know the Lord as his personal savior at the age of 17.

At graduation from school, he attended a Teachers’ Training Program and became a Public School Teacher in India. Pappy went on to teach in the system for years, and then the Lord called him to full time Christian ministry. Therefore, he resigned his job and brought several witnessing tracts and went into the villages to tell about the salvation of Jesus Christ. Pappy often ministered door to door, one person at a time.

As Pappy walked through the villages, he and his family saw the poverty of village children. Due to malnutrition, their ribs were showing and they had hyper extended bellies. They were also without proper clothing due to the miserable living conditions . Because no one cared for these precious children who were unable to get a proper education, Pappy began to care for the poor and mainly orphaned children in India. This was the beginning of The Mercy Home at The Light of Hope Mission.

Today The Mercy Home Orphanage currently looks after around 120 children consisting of 70 girls and 50 boys with 20 staff workers to teach, feed and to care for them.

Today in addition to The Mercy Home Orphanage, there is also a Church congregation in Cheppad, consisting of 200 to 250 people, including children who meet for worship on Sundays. There are also House Churches in villages where there are no Church buildings.



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